Monday, December 1, 2014

I believe in Christ, he is my king; with all my heart to him I'll sing!

I love to sing! I love music! Music is such a powerful tool to serve the Lord and touch the hearts of people. Music is an universal language. Music can uplift our souls. Music can calm a child. Music can bring comfort. We can express our joy through music.

That's a reason why I love being part of choirs. As soon as I have the opportunity to be in a choir, I join it. I love to use music to testify of the Lord. But, despite my love for music, I haven't develop enough musical skills to sing a solo or duet. I feel comfortable in choirs because I'm not the only one singing. I can sing by myself often, but usually it is when I'm just messing around. But to perform, I probably take myself to seriously and lack confidence.

Last year, as we were on our way to a choir practice, a friend taught me about the Primary program principle: the Primary children prepare all year for that, but when the day comes, the Primary presidency and teachers are freaking out because they don't feel they are prepared enough (as women usually feel, right?). But as soon as the program starts, the Spirit is there. It's probably the most powerful sacrament meeting of the year.  They might not be the best singers... but they touch the hearts of those who listen! Why? How? Because of the Spirit! Because the children are singing their praises to God. Because they had prepared all year and they are bearing witness, through music, of the things they have learned. The important to touch the hearts when performing a musical number, or any other service, is to prepare for it, and to strive to keep the Spirit, that he might be present during the performance. President Heber J. Grant explains this: "The singing of the songs of Zion, though imperfectly, with the inspiration of God, will touch the hearts of the honest more effectively than if sung well without the Spirit of God". That's why Primary Programs have so much success!

Well, it was a great principle, and when I then went to Canada for a few months, I decided that I would perform special musical number. There are not that many musicians in my branch in Montreal, so I felt less intimidated to do it there than in my ward in Gilbert, where I have many friends with wonderful musical skills. I asked my friend Sandy to sing with me. She accepted, because she loves to sing and wanted to improve that skill, but she knew ANYTHING about music. I took a couple of days to teach her a little about music, but the most important thing I taught her was about the Primary program principle. She loved it, and she applied it! We both did! And our performance was beautiful! I had never thought that I could sing like that in public! People told us that it touched their hearts and that they enjoyed the message, and that we had great voices. But we both knew where that success came from. Yes, we prepared, but most of all, we ensure that we were living worthy of the company of the Holy Ghost, and that we were doing this to serve the Lord, and he is the one who justifies our words... or our notes!

Well, more than a year later, singing only in many skillful choirs (because I was in Arizona, and I was intimidated by my talented friends, that I hadn't the courage to try the duet experience again), as I was visiting a Spanish branch, I had the thought of singing a duet with my friend Andrew in another Spanish ward that was close to where one of our non member friend lives so that we could invite her. Andrew is great musician, so singing with him, despite his patience, encouragement and kindness, was intimidating. But as soon as I saw Andrew, I told him about that crazy idea. Surprisingly, when he showed enthusiasm about it, I wasn't sure anymore. I told him that it would take me out of my comfort zone, that I didn't had enough confidence in me to sing in a duet. But as I was talking with him, he calmed my concerns and told me that it would be a good experience for me to develop that confidence. He told me that it was MY decision, but that he would be more than willing to do it, and that he knew I could do that. I ponder a lot about it the whole day, and was feeling some fear, but at same time I felt a little excitement. When go home, the first thing I did was to look for a  song that we could sing in Spanish. The next day, I called the bishop from the Spanish ward to ask him if we could do it. Yeah... things we're getting pretty serious for someone who wasn't sure about it... Later that night, my friend Kaylene played some hymns arrangements she had made, and when I listened to "I believe in Christ", I decided that it was what I wanted to sing! It was perfect to start Christmas time, to share my testimony of Christ, and to share why and how I believe in Him and celebrate His birth.

Because of our schedules and Thanksgiving week, we didn't had too much time to practice. We did practice, but not to much. That made me feel a little nervous, but at same time I knew (because I knew it but also because Andrew reminded me of that often) that the thought of singing was probably inspired by the Spirit. So, with mixed feeling about it, I prepared for that moment. Saturday I decided to attend the temple because I wanted to increase the presence of the Spirit in myself, to be ready for it. If I didn't had enough confidence in me, my voice and my musical skills, I knew I had at least confidence in the Holy Ghost!

As I sat in the room for the temple session, at my surprise I was sitting next to Lindsey Stirling, the famous mormon dancing violinist. We chatted a little. After the session, as we were sitting in the celestial room, I saw her, clothed with her temple clothes, as I was, and I thought about how similar we were, despite our differences. There, in the temple, a random Peruvian-Canadian girl with an accent who tries but keep struggling when playing piano or guitar, and who likes to sing when no one is listening, was in the same room, seeking the same guidance, strength, and power to achieve her goals and to serve others better, as was doing that famous violinist, dancer, composer, who travels the world, and who is loved by so many people, specially youth! We are both daughters of God, with talents and gifts given to us that we may serve the Lord, becoming a light for others, and example, to inspire them, and to make them feel closer to the Savior. I don't have the same talents and skills as Lindsey, but I am a daughter of God as well and I can serve him with my own talents... as in the parable of the talents, Lindsey might have five, but she's using them and she is getting ten. I might probably have only one. What am I doing with it? Am I investing on it, or hiding it? I shared those thoughts with Lindsey and she told me that she knew I would do great, that when we use our gifts, the Lord makes
the rest to give us success.

I came back home with more faith! Yes, I was still a little nervous, but I knew that the Lord knew my intentions, that he knew my desire to testify of Him, and that, because I was doing my best to keep the company of the Holy Ghost, he would help me to succeed in this performance.

The moment came, and Kaylene, Andrew and I walked to the front, and started our performance. As I was singing, I felt the Spirit testifying that what I was singing, that I believe in Christ, was something true, and that Christ truly came to earth to save me, to show me the way to return in the presence of my Father. I saw the eyes of some members in the congregation: I could see tears, I could see individuals pondering about their own testimonies. And I could obviously see the faces of some of my friends who seemed surprised to know that I could sing! ha! :) And it all went well. When we were done, Andrew reverently told me "Good job", and I turned and saw the smiles of satisfaction and gratitude on the faces of the members of the bishopric. It felt so good! I felt a great joy! It was sacrament meeting, so I contained my joy, and I think I did all day. But inside, I wanted to scream and to praise the Lord with gratitude because of what he had taught me through that experience. Some new converts told me that they felt the Spirit, a young woman told me that it was uplifting, and we received many other compliments.

I had told Andrew when we were talking about that idea that I knew it would be a good experience, not necessarily for our non member friend (who ended up not coming), or the members of the ward, but also for me, that I had something to learn from it. And I did! It reminded me that I have been given talents and gifts to develop them, and if I use them, I can improve them, and serve the Lord better through them. It reminded me of the power of the Holy Ghost, and that when we put all our trust in Him, He does his part and justifies our works. It reminded me that "if ye are prepared, ye shall not fear"; and sometimes that preparation doesn't only mean practices, rehearsals, although is important to know how to play well our part and gain the necessary skills to accomplish what is required from us, but it also means to have the Spirit with us, to prepare to feel his influence as we perform and to prepare to share that Spirit with our audience.

I am grateful for the Holy Ghost! I am grateful for the gifts that I have received from God, and for the opportunities he gives me to develop and use them in His service. I am grateful for the power of music to uplift souls and to bring a testimony to the hearts of our brothers and sisters. As said president Kimbal: "I am comforted by the assurance that there will be beautiful music in heaven, and for that I am most grateful". And I wonder, would I be part of those who will bring that beautiful music in heaven? :) I am grateful for wonderful talented friends as Andrew and Kaylene who trusted in me enough to embark in that crazy idea of singing with ME at that Spanish ward and who encouraged me to do it. I am grateful for that awesome famous musician, Lindsey, for inspiring me at the temple when I needed it the most, and who trusted and believed in me. I am grateful for the compliments I received after our performance, and for the motivation it gives me to keep doing this, and the confidence that has increased in myself with that single experience. But most of all, I am grateful for my Savior, Jesus Christ, and for the opportunity he gave me to testify of my love for Him through something I love: music! Yes, I do believe in Christ, He truly is my king! With all my heart to him I DID sing! And I will keep seeking opportunities to sing more and more to Him, because "the song of the righteous is a prayer unto Him".

“We get nearer to the Lord through music than perhaps through any other thing except prayer.”
President J. Reuben Clark Jr., in Conference Report, Oct. 193
6, 111

“The most effective preaching of the gospel is when it is accompanied by beautiful, appropriate music.”
President Harold B. Lee, in Conference Report, Apr. 1973, 181

“When you sing the hymns, . . .ponder the meaning of the words, enjoy the spirit of the music. Sing with enthusiasm without regard to your tones. You will have a good feeling, and your spirit will be enlivened.”
Elder Graham W. Doxey, Ensign, Oct. 1991, 26

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Steph by Steph, oh baby!

Stephanie is a sweet and lovely member in my former YSA branch in Montreal. She came back to church a few years ago. Starting a new live engaged in the kingdom of God is not always easy, and it takes often a lot of time, but she've been progressing line upon line, precept upon precept, step by step... or as my brother sings to her all the time, "Steph by Steph, oh baby!" (I think about her every time I hear that song).

I grew up in the church, and I've had responsibilities and callings at church since I was in Primary (president of my Valiant class counts, right?). I've taught in church meetings since I was very young, and I had the blessing to be primary teacher, YW counselor, Relief society counselor and, seminary teacher (best teaching experience ever!!!). I've been also last minute substitute teacher in Primary and Sunday school. I love to teach the gospel! With all the experience and the training I've got, I think I do pretty well when I teach the gospel. But not everyone had the same blessing.

I know that many people are often nervous to teach, or are not sure about themselves when is about teaching the gospel, which is probably how Stephanie might feel. She is Sunday School teacher, and she might wonder sometimes "why me? I don't have experience teaching the gospel, there are so many people who have been active all their lives, who are return missionaries, who know better the scriptures than I do. And they called me to teach them about the Old Testament (yeah, Old Testament, the hardest book to teach!!!)." But you know what is the most amazing thing about that? Is that the Lord qualifies those He calls, when we trust in him. And I think is what he is doing with Steph. She showed her trust in the Lord when she accepted the calling, and you know what? She've been doing a WONDERFUL job! The first time I attended her class, I was impressed by the way she taught. I learn a lot from the discussions during her lessons, by the questions she asks. She might not have a deep knowledge of the Old Testament, but we can tell that she studies her lessons and she prepares to teach them. And not only that, but she has also invited no member friends to church to attend her class, and they came and listen to her teaching. What a great example!

This is how the gospel works! Obviously the branch presidency could have called a successful return missionary to teach Sunday School, or someone with more experience. But they called her! Why? Because the Lord knows her potential, he wants to help her to develop her talents and gifts, and to learn more about the gospel, because we know that the person who learns the most in gospel teaching is the teacher.

Many wonderful members with so little experience in church callings have taught me so much with their faithful service and their trust in the Lord. They grow step by step. They learn step by step. They achieve their potential, step by step.

I told those things to Stephanie a Sunday after class. I shared with her how much I enjoyed to learn from her, a beginner in teaching the gospel, even if I have years of experience doing it. The Lord truly justifies what we do when we serve him. It is a humbling experience to me, because it reminds me that my many years as an active church member with leadership and teaching callings doesn't make me better than those fabulous members who are new in those experiences. It makes me feel grateful for the love that Heavenly Father have for each of us, for the experiences he makes us live to grow and to develop our talents. He truly wants our best, and he gives us the opportunities to do that best.

So remember, each time you get a new calling, teaching the gospel, or planning activities, or doing missionary work, or as secretary or clerk, or president in an organization, or any other calling, remember, o remember, that the Lord will qualify us, despite our lack of experience, because He knows we can do it, as did Steph, step by step!

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Honey wheat bread for sacrament

When I went to the pantry to grab a box of cereal that Sunday morning, I noticed a bag of bread. But I wanted cereal, so I just left the pantry with the box of strawberry mini-wheats.

A few hours later, when I noticed that it was almost time to leave for church, I realized I hadn't ask anyone for a ride. I immediately thought of my friend Andrew, who often offers me rides to church. Andrew, who is also in the Elders Quorum Presidency, is someone who is always seeking for opportunities to serve, and I knew it. But that Sunday, he was the only member of the presidency in town, so I thought that I should ask someone else, because he had probably already a lot of things to do for his calling. Wouldn't it be selfish to ask him to add to his already busy life a long five-minutes drive to my house to pick me up for church? I wanted to support him in his calling, and I thought that if I ask for a ride, I would become burden to him.

However, I couldn't think about any one else and I felt that I should ask him, even if I had the doubts mentioned above. I decided to call him. He didn't answer. A few minutes later I called him again. No answer. I then sent him a text message and decided that I would wait only a few minutes before trying with someone else. I waited some minutes, and when I was about to look for someone else, he responded. He said that he could give me a ride, and he asked me the most important question of the day: "DO YOU HAVE BREAD AT HOME?" He had just being informed that there was no bread for sacrament, and had now to take care of that, about 45 minutes before our sacrament meeting!

When I received his text, the image of the bag of bread in the pantry that morning came to my mind! It was like a vision! I didn't even went to check, I rapidly texted him back saying that I had bread and that he could take it for sacrament.

He then came to pick me up. I asked him how was his Sunday, and he said: really good, until 30 minutes ago (the moment when he got informed about the bread situation). But now, there was another problem: we had to pick up another friend, and we would probably be a little late for church, but the bread had to be there early. Fortunately, a guy from our ward lives next to my house, so Andrew stopped there. That guy wasn't going to our ward that day, but his sister was, and she kindly accepted to bring the bread to the bishopric so they could ask someone to prepare the sacrament.

When we finally left to pick up our friend, I asked Andrew again: so, now, how is your Sunday? He responded: much better! He noticed that after a woman (me) had provided the bread, it was another woman who would bring the bread to the bishopric, so I said: well, glad to know that women don't need the priesthood to help the brethren to serve in their priesthood duties. He responded: yeah, that's how women and the priesthood work together!

When we got to our friend's house, we had to knock at the door to let him know that we were there. I volunteer to do it, so Andrew could take those brief seconds to call a member of the bishopric to inform them about the bread that was on its way to church.

After all those adventures (in less than 45 minutes), we were finally ready to leave for church: there was bread for the sacrament, it was at church on time, the bishopric knew they had to ensure that someone would prepare everything for it, and our friend and I had a ride to get to church... a little late but we had a ride! 

We arrived to church just on time for the sacrament hymn. As we received the bread, I felt so grateful to know that I had being an instrument in the hands of the Lord to have bread for sacrament that day. Taking the bread and the water are the most important moments of our Sunday meetings, and I had play a part of it that Sunday.

After church, as I was waiting for Andrew, with the bag of the remaining bread in my hands, I noticed that it was a honey wheat bread. I told my friend Brandon "hey, look at this, today we got honey wheat bread for sacrament!". He laughed and said that if I was in charge of sacrament, I would prepare a whole meal every week. Indeed, if women, being women, were to be in charge of sacrament, we would be concerned every week not only about having bread for sacrament, but which kind of bread we would have. We would even try a different bread recipe EVERY week (and probably apologize because is not as good as we wanted it to be). That would totally make us miss the mark, and worry more about the taste of the bread instead of the humble Savior who is to be represented by the bread. But the Lord, in his wisdom, gave that responsibility to priesthood, because he knows that those faithful priesthood holders would know how help us to focus in what sacrament is all about: the Christ!

As I was pondering about that later, I remembered the feelings I had that morning. There was anything weird or abnormal in asking Andrew for a ride. It wasn't the first time, but something was opposed to that idea. Why? Because I had the bread! That was my conclusion! I noticed that sometimes when I want to do something normal and that is good, I have those thoughts that make me doubt about it, but when I don't pay attention to it, something good end up happening. It's what happened that day! Since early that morning, I noticed I had bread at home! The Lord made me noticed that.

But Satan recognizes the importance of sacrament, and he knows Andrew's desire to faithfully serve in his callings and that he would be worried about the missing bread for sacrament. That's why he tried to make me doubt about asking Andrew for that favor: he knew that, because Andrew's willingness to serve, he would accept to take me to church, and by the same way he would get the bread for sacrament. He also knew that the other young lady from our ward who lives in my neighborhood would be willing to bring the bread to a member of our bishopric. The Lord prepared the means! We only had to take them, and to do what we felt was the best to do.

Satan will often try to make us doubt of the good things we can accomplish and do to serve others. I used to be an independent women who didn't need anyone to go where I had to be or do whatever I was asked to do. But now, living in a town where the absence of public transportation handicaps me, I've learned to ask for help, to ask for rides, and it is a glorious blessing to have these formidable friends who are so willingly happy to serve me in these circumstances.

I haven't been ordained to the priesthood, and I don't have any problem with that! I love being a woman and the opportunities to serve that have been giving to me because of womanhood. I grew up surrounded by men and that's probably why supporting the priesthood is so important to me. And I am grateful to know I can not only give opportunities to serve to the priesthood when I ask them for help, but that I can also serve them and help them in their duties. It is indeed a team work! 

It's interesting to notice that the reason why I thought I should ask someone else than Andrew for a ride that morning was because I wanted to support him in his priesthood duties and didn't wanted to become a burden to him... but because I asked him, he was able not only to serve me with a ride, but to find also a way to lighten his burden by getting bread for sacrament and to be relieved from that last-minute contretemps. 

Yesterday, for women conference, it is a priesthood holder who gave me and two of my friends, a ride to the church building for it, and another priesthood holder who gave us a ride back from it. It was because of two righteous priesthood holders that we got the blessing to attend a women meeting and to be uplifted with other women.Oh how grateful I was for those priesthood holders!

Not having the priesthood doesn't make us less than those fabulous brethren. It completes us, and helps us to work all together, each of us offering what has been given to us, as woman or as man, to serve in the Lord's kingdom.

I am grateful for the fantastic priesthood holders in my life, specially in this place where I don't have much and where priesthood holders like Andrew bless and serve me in bounteous ways. And I am grateful to know that, even if I don't have much, the Lord gives me enough to help and support these marvelous brethren in their priesthood holders, even if it's only with a bag of honey wheat bread!

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Do I love truth?

2 Nephi 9:40 "I know that the words of truth are hard against all uncleanness; but the righteous fear them not, for they love the truth and are not shaken."

Righteousness makes us clean, virtuous, worthy of the Lord's presence. Since God is righteous, the attributes of Christ are part of it. Humility is an attribute of Christ, and I believe it is part of righteousness. When we are righteous, we become humble. We accept our weaknesses. The more righteous we become, the more we desire to be like the Savior, the more we will reject sin, the more we will seek to change, the more we will accept our imperfections and strive to follow better the example of Christ. When we are righteous, we seek improvement, and that improvement requires to know those things that we must change in our lives. We seek for counsel from the Lord and his servants. I believe that's the reason why we go to church every week, we attend firesides, we have ward, stake, regional, and general conferences and other devotionals. More than that, that's the reason why we not only attend those events, but why we should listen and hear the words taught.

Being member of the church doesn't mean to be perfect. It means that we take upon us the name of Christ because we have a desire to become like him. In the sacrament prayers, we pray to "witness unto thee, O God, the Eternal Father, that [we] are willing to take upon [us] the name of thy Son". And because of that desire, we renew that covenant every week and we promise to be more like him.

What comes usually after we partake of the sacrament? We have talks and lessons. As I was pondering about the scripture quoted at the top of this post, I thought: "aren't those talks answers to our sacrament prayers? Aren't those talks and lessons supposed to help us to know how to become more like Christ? . (Some wards have Sacrament meeting at the end, but is the same principle; the truths taught before or after Sacrament are there to teach us how to become more like Christ).

How often do we complain about talks or lessons? The talk is boring, too long, he seems nervous, she doesn't need to tell the history of her life, the Sunday's school teacher seems unprepared, the Priesthood class teacher is reading the whole lesson in the manual...

If we want to take His name upon us and be like Him, we ought to act according to that desire. How could we learn to become more like Him if we don't listen to the teachings we receive about Him and his gospel in our church meetings?

The righteous fear not truth. The righteous love truth. Isn't truth what is supposed to be taught at church on Sundays?

May we be careful not to judge those humble and simple tools in the hands of the Lord who give talks or teach every week. They are not perfect. They are called to speak because the Lord knows their potential and, by the power of the Spirit, can justify their words and can teach us through them, to become more like Christ. Yes, those who speak at church have the responsibility to prepare for their talks and lessons and to have the Spirit to testify of the truths they are invited to teach. But, as it says in D & C 50:19, "And again, he that receiveth the word of truth, doth he receive it by the Spirit of truth or some other way?" How do we receive the word of truth?

I invite us all to prepare to listen our Sunday talks and lessons as part of our preparation for sacrament. As we renew our covenants with our Father to take the name of His son, and to obey His commandments, may we be filled with the Spirit, that we may be taught truths that will show us the things that we must do to be more like our Savior and to keep better our covenants during the week to come, through the teachings of our brothers and sisters who teach that day. Remember, "that the words of truth are hard against all uncleanness; but the righteous fear them not, for they love the truth and are not shaken." May we learn to be righteous, and to love His word taught in our Sabbaths days.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Hi I'm Sheyla. Can I sit here?

Maria-Fernanda, me and Karina, the "Afrikan" dancers
A Sunday in 1994, two little twins came to my primary class. I don't know how, probably because we were in the same class, but we talked and we became really good friends. Twenty years later, Maria Fernanda and Karina Gonzalez, as their families and husbands, have filled my life with special experiences. Actually, I introduced Karina to her husband, Hector. Their sealing was the first one I attend and they are the most celestial couple I've ever seen! So many blessings came to my life because of the family of these two fabulous twins, all because we talked after we met in our Primary class...

With Frencho (Jonathan) at the temple
January 2010, Jonathan Karsenty, a new member in my YSA branch from France, was talking with a girl about the white socks he was wearing. I hear what they were saying so I joined the conversation, and then introduced myself. Soon we became really close friends; my life and perspective about many things in life changed, I learned better about sacrifice with him. All because I joined a conversation about white socks...

Natalia, Brian, me and Sam, my last Sunday in Temple
View in February 2012
I had seen Natalia Malcolm in my ward many times, and a Sunday in February 2012,  two weeks before my return to Canada, I felt that I should talk to her, but I didn't. The next Sunday, I remembered the feeling from the previous week and introduced myself. We sat together in class and at the linger longer, she met my friends, she came to a bonfire for my farewell the next Saturday, and there she met another guy, Nathan Wilson... They got married and are such a wonderful couple! Natalia and I didn't got to spend a lot of time together, but the times we saw each other were times of quality! All because I followed that prompting to talk to her (I wish I had talk to her the week earlier though!)...

Me as Miss Inca, Cynthia as Miss Maya, and Diana as
Miss Azteca, our 2012 Halloween group costume
When I got back to Montreal, in March 2012, they immediately called me as Relief Society 2nd counselor, and I had to work with a new member Diana Zempoalteca, who was RS activities coordinator. I saw her so asked her if I could sit with her. I told her about my new calling and that we would work together. She was so glad about that because she was a new member and didn't knew how to fulfill her calling. She was so willing to serve and to learn. She became like a sister to me, and I tried to be a better person to be a better example to her. I had an uplifting skype conversation with her a couple of weeks ago (she now lives in Mexico); she knew exactly the sweet feelings I was sharing with her about the gospel because she was feeling the same with her own experiences! I believe that our joy was like the joy Alma and the sons of Mosiah felt when they met after their missions. All of this, because I sat next to her and show her my joy to work with her in our callings...

Tarryn, me and Andrew at my first Diamondbacks game
When I went back to Arizona in February 2013, I went to Temple View YSA ward because I had previously attend that ward before, and I already had some friends there, but there were many faces gone and many new, as Andrew Payne. As I was waiting for my ride after church, he saw me and asked me if I was new in the ward or just visiting... Since then, we became really good friends. He has taught me so much with his wisdom. His example gives me so much motivation to live the gospel with more passion. His friendship has been such a great blessing in my life and because of his service and trust, I have been able to accomplish many of my goals. All of this because he talk to this new Peruvian-French-Canadian who was waiting for her ride...

Malcolm, with whom I spoke in Spanish, and
Brandom, with whom I tried to speak in Portuguese
A Sunday I asked Malcolm Lamb, whom I had never talked before, if I could sit next to him. He told me about his mission in Bolivia, and I told him I was from Peru, so we had a lot to talk about the similarities between those two countries. A few days later he called me "chola" (a name people call Peruvians). Some friends in Montreal used to call me like that so in a certain way Malcolm made me feel like I was becoming more part of my ward, being the "chola" from Temple View. That made my day, and since then I've loved when he called me like that! :) All of this because I sat next to him at sacrament meeting...

Marysabel and me at the Easter Pageant, two days
after we met. 
A few weeks ago I saw someone new in Relief Society, and felt that I should sit with her, so I asked her if I could sit there, introduced myself and ask her more about her. Marysabel Guzman told me that she was visiting from PERU!!! We spent the rest of church and the evening together and met her sister's family. It was so amazing to find a friend with whom I felt so connected, because we were both in similar situations, learning so much by being far from home. We might not see each other too much because she is going back to Peru soon, but the distance won't change the special friendship we developed so quickly, and all because I sat next to her in Relief Society...

Elodie, Sara, Miguel and I, when we hiked the Mount Royal
Miguel is a new convert in my former YSA branch in Montreal. Last Sunday we had a pot luck, and he sat at the table where his friend Sara was. I asked him his name and introduced myself. The next day was a holiday, and I had planned a hike to our so famous Montreal mount, the Mount-Royal, so I invited him. The next morning we hiked that mount and we had a really good time together. After the hike he told me to let him know when we go out again, that he really enjoyed coming with us and that he likes to spend time like this with other members of the church to get to know us better and to be surrounded by good people. We really enjoyed his company. All this, because he sat in my table and we talked during that pot luck...

I could keep telling about more friendships I made on Sundays: I sat next to Tarryn Goodman, Emi Christensen, Jessica Homewood;  Hannah Byers talked with me at our choir practice; Chelsea Chapman saw me walking and looking for a home teaching group to join and invited me to join hers; I offered to help and sit with Ben Beazer at sacrament meeting, I sat with Samuel Appollon and his friends at a YSA conference Sunday brunch; Brandon Halls talk to me on a Sunday and talked in Portuguese with me, as I randomly talked with Nicole Montez, Brandon Dana, Steven Neher, Cody Reed, Chandra Broomhead, Cédrick Jolifils, and other members after church or between classes; ; by those little moments and many other similar experiences at church on Sundays, I met wonderful people who have become fabulous blessings to me!

I'm sharing these experiences because from all of them I learned how important it is to meet new people at church, and everywhere. I believe that as children of God, brothers and sisters, everyone have in itself something to offer to others. We are all part of a big universal family, and we have the responsibility to help and support each other. I have learned so much from many friends who have shaped who I am. They are a great blessing. And these blessings have often come by a simple "Can I sit here?" or a "Hi, I'm _____________, are you visiting or new in the ward?"

Let's say the truth, those who attend activities like FHE, dances, game nights, sport nights, movie nights, even institute, usually go to those activities to see their friends and meet new people. But when we attend church meetings, the main reason is to take the sacrament and be uplifted by lessons and talks. So, if a really shy and quiet but faithful member go to church on Sunday, it could be really easy to attend the meetings and disappear a few seconds after we say "Amen" at the closing prayer, without anyone noticing his presence. How many of our brothers and sisters go to church but feel alone? Some might want to talk to new people, but they don't know how or don't have always the courage to do it (I know what I'm talking about, that has happened to me many times). Sometimes when we already have many friends, we are so focused spending time with them that we don't notice those who might be and feel alone.

We know that one of the essential needs of every member of the church is a FRIEND! Are we being that friend to others? Do you talk to new people in your ward or are you just hanging out all the time with your same crowd? Do you sit at the same place all the time or do you look for people you don't know yet to sit with them? Do you talk to everyone or only to the cute member of the opposite sex that could seem like a potential mate? If you see members with disabilities or special needs, do you offer your company, help or friendship or do you avoid to sit with someone who is different than you? When you feel prompted to talk to someone, do you trust enough in the Spirit to have the courage to talk to that person or do you tell the Spirit how weird it would be if you do it? Do you know your missionaries and ensure that you know the people they are bringing at church?

Meeting new people on Sundays is always very rewarding! Wonderful friendships can come from that!

As says the lyrics of this music video, "Be that friend", from Micheal McLean):
"Everyone hopes to find one true friend who's the kind
They can count on for forever and a day.
Be that friend, be that kind that you prayed you might find
And you'll always have a best friend, come what may"

So I invite you to talk to the new faces on Sundays! I even challenge you to weekly talk to a new face or to someone you're not used to talk, and I promise you that you will find that kind of friends, which would be a cherry on your Sundays, and in your life.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Brocolily: something GOOD to share!

Food is really important for Hispanics. In our countries, people might be very poor, but they will find a way to feed their families and others. We show our love with food. If someone comes to visit, we make sure that we can feed them with the best we have. Perhaps that is the reason why I love to share food with people too, and Sundays are often the best days to do it. Sharing food makes my Sundays a better day, and these are some of the reasons:
  1. Peruvian homemade chocolates.
    Those from my ward loved it!
    "Reward" for those who come to church or to activities. Is not always easy for everyone to come to church;  for some, it requires a lot of efforts. So getting food is always appreciated, specially when they didn't have time to eat before. I've done that often for choir practices because I knew that many didn't really wanted or had time to be there, but they came. I used to make breakfast for my seminary students every morning (this wasn't on Sundays, but it was also a "physical" reward for doing the effort to come to an spiritual activity). I know that people should not come to church for food... but it's always good to have a little physical "reward" as a tender mercy for coming to church or activities. 

  2. Encouragement for those who faithfully fulfill their callings. I got callings and responsibilities that required me to leave home early to fulfill them, having meetings, visiting members, helping the missionaries. That often meant that I couldn't eat a real meal all day. I learn to survive to my Sundays without food, but it felt good when I could have a little something to eat. That's why I will sometimes make food to give to people I see sacrificing their time to serve others or fulfill their callings, as attending early meetings, giving rides to others or home teaching. Church callings and responsibilities can take a lot of time, so giving them food is a way for me to encourage those faithful members in their efforts.
  3. The pleasure to share. It is the greatest reason to bring food to church! It makes me so happy when I see the smile on the eyes of those who get that food. I don't cook to impress, but because of the pleasure to share. And because of that desire to share and feed others, I try improve my cooking skill and I love to try new recipes, that I may be able to show my love and appreciation to others... with a good taste! :)
Beijinhos and brigaderios, a dessert from Brazil
that I tried I shared with those in my ward.
When we share, we bring happiness to others... and to ourselves! Sundays must be the best day of the week, and with so many responsibilities that leaders have, or so many sacrifices that some members have to do to attend church meetings or participate in choirs or other activities, why not bring them a little something to make their day a little more glorious? I know how much joy the gospel brings to my life, but I know that is not that easy for everyone.

"Because I have been given much I too must give" are some words from a hymn that I really like and that reminds me that, having been blessed with a deep love for the gospel, I need to share that love with others, and to help them and encourage them to live the gospel and to find happiness on it as I have learned to do it. Sharing food to me is a way to tell them: "I know this is not a lot, but I just wanted to let you know that I am happy to see you here; I recognize your efforts, I am grateful for the good you are doing in the life of those you are serving, I am glad to see your participation in choir or in this meeting, I am glad that you came to church. You are important to the Lord, and I want to make you feel a little part of his love for you through this food. If you keep doing those efforts, he will bless you with so much more than cookies, or chocolates, or cakes, or other food."

Here is a video of that song that I really like! :) 

This is the reason why I love to cook and bring treats to my friends and leaders on Sundays: to make their Sunday a better day! If a random person in their ward like me notice their efforts and is so happy to see them there, doing good, that she brings food for them, how much more the Lord, who knows everything and sees everything, recognize their efforts, and will give them eternal blessings!

A cake I made for my friend Diana's first anniversary
of baptism.
In Mosiah 18:8-9, we learn about the baptismal covenant and the things we promise, and part of it is to bear one another's burdens. Sharing, to me, is part of that. It's a way to help my brothers and sisters with their burdens that attending church, attending choir, attending meetings, home teaching, teaching lessons, sacrificing their other activities, and any other burdens they could feel on Sundays. 

We all can share! We all can give! We all have talents! We all have gifts! And Sundays are the perfect day for that (remember, things that we do on Sundays can be good to do on other days of the week too, so we can share every day). I love this song that my mother taught me in my childhood from which I learned the importance to give, and I want to share that same principle to my children. We are never to little to give and share! We don't have idea how the little things we do for others can become great blessings to the recipients of our service, as this hymn teaches:

So, you don't have any cooking skills or are already too busy to find time to cook for the members of your ward? That's ok, there are so many other ways to share! Here are some suggestions:
  • You have a hand? Great! shake the hands of those you see (and if you are like me and the Hispanic or French culture, hug them too!) And guys, use also those hands to open the doors or help to carry stuff for the ladies or elderly members; it's always appreciated.
  • You can talk? Perfect! Talk to the members of your ward. Ask them about their week. Greet those who are new. Participate in lessons (that encourages a lot those who are teaching).
  • You know how to smile? Awesome! Greet the members with a big and sincere smile!
  • You read the Sunday school lesson during the week or something from your scripture study of the week is related to the lessons? Interesting... share what you learn, if appropriate, during the class.
  • You have a testimony? Wonderful! If it's testimony meeting, go and share it with others!
  • You hold the priesthood? What a privilege! Do all you can to be worthy of it, and accept the opportunity to prepare, bless or pass the bread and water during sacrament, or to give blessings to those who need it.
  • You have a calling? Amazing! Serve those you have the responsibility on. Give your 110%.
  • You have a voice? Formidable! Attend choir! Even if you don't sing well yet, go, and your musical skills will improve, and with your choir director, the other members of the choir and the Spirit, you will discover your potential to sing better than you ever thought!
  • You have musical skills? That's fascinating! Play the piano, conduct the music, prepare a special musical number. Music brings a unique Spirit!
  • You know how to pray? Sweet! Volunteer to say the prayer!
  • You own a car? Oh yeah! People like me would need a ride to church! Offer them rides!
  • You have many friends? Cool! Introduce them to those who are new or who don't know many people yet.
  • You love children and have patience with them? Fabulous! Sit with a mother who could need help.
  • Do you feel the presence of the Spirit in your life? What a glorious feeling! Help others to feel it too with the way you treat them, with the things you share in your lessons, by serving them, or just by showing through the light in your eyes the happiness it brings to your life.
  • You have the gospel? Excellent! Talk to investigators! Invite your friends to come with you! Share it!
Brocolily - healthy cookies made for a pot luck in Montreal.
There are so many other ways to share and to give on Sundays. These are just a few simple suggestions! You know yourself, you know your strengths and gifts, I'm sure you can find many other ideas to share, give and to bear the burdens of the members of your ward. The Lord is our example, and he gave freely to us all, even his life! Shouldn't we follow him and give to others? 

I testify that sharing and serving others brings magnificent feelings that can't be described! It definitely is a cherry on the top of my Sundays! As we serve others, we are serving God, and that is a great blessing, to be his hands!


Now, to finish, I want to share the recipe of something I made that many people liked: Brocolily... or Broccoli cookies!! Yes, broccoli and cookies can be compatible! Cookies are often good, and as one of my friends said, the gospel is like cookies: because they are good, we need to share them! So imagine when the cookies are not only good, but also HEALTHY! I loved it!  As Lehi with the fruit of the tree, those cookies are good, that I have to share them!

So here is the recipe. It was created by a lady from Quebec, where I grew up. In their website, Création Les Gumes, they have many other good and healthy dessert recipes with veggies (all in French), and I will try some others and share it, so if you want them, let me know, and I can translate it for you! :)

Brocolily (about 24 cookies)

Broccoli and sweet potato purees for the brocolily cookies
- 1 egg
- 1/4 cup + 2 tbsp of peanut butter
- 1/4 cup of sweet potatoes puree
- 1/4 cup of broccoli puree
- 1/4 cup of brown sugar
- 1/2 c. tsp of vanilla
- 1 tbsp of granulated sugar
- 1/2 tsp of baking soda
- 1/2 cup + 2 tbsp of whole wheat flour
- 1/4  cup of white chocolate chips
- 1/4 cup of dark chocolate chips


Brocolily ready for the oven!
  • Preheat the oven to 375°C 
  • Mix the egg and peanut butter. 
  • Cook sweet potatoes and mash them (I did it with a fork). 
  • Steam the broccoli until tender. When it's cold, blend it to make a puree (the first time I made those cookies I couldn't find the blender, so I smash it with a fork when it was still hot... we could see some pieces of broccoli on some cookies, but with the blender, we can't notice it). 
  • Add the puree and sugar. Mix.
  • Add vanilla, white sugar, baking soda and flour. Mix. 
  • Add chocolate. Mix. 
  • Make small balls, about 1 inch. 
  • Bake for 10-12 minutes at 375°C
  • When it's golden on the top, it's ready.
*Because of the purees, the texture might be a little different that what you are use too, but is good!

Brocolily dough -
Taste it! Is good! Who would
believe there is broccoli on it?
You can also see the video (in French) of the recipe on this link, if you want to have an idea how it is... but if you don't know French, you won't understand to much from it...

Enjoy it! Now, instead of telling the children: eat your veggies if you want a dessert, you can say: eat your dessert if you want your veggies! ;) And don't forget to share... the cookies... and your talents and gifts, to uplift and support others, on Sundays... and every day of the week!

Sunday, April 20, 2014

My conversion to Easter... all #BecauseOfHim

What a marvelous Easter week-end! I know that we are used to hear that Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year, but Easter is becoming the best time of the year for me. No that I don't like Christmas, because I totally love it and it's a great opportunity to rejoice of the coming of the Lord Jesus-Christ, but, as stated president Gordon B. Hinckley, "there would be no Christmas if there had not been Easter. The babe Jesus of Bethlehem would be but another baby without the redeeming Christ of Gethsemane and Calvary, and the triumphant fact of the Resurrection".

Even if all my life I've believed in Christ, Easter never really had a meaning for me before. I never really had Easter traditions... I remembered just chilling with my family during those days off, watching the 10 commandments on TV, and once the Church movie "The Lamb of God" was on TV... It was exciting to see a religious movie on TV, since we don't really have that in Montreal, so we watched it. I also remember that I sang at an Easter concert in 2004, and I think it was the greatest way I ever celebrated Easter before, and I enjoyed to share through music my testimony of the Savior's atonement and resurrection. A couple of years I think we watched the movie "Finding faith in Christ" with my family on Easter Sunday, but I'm not really sure about it. I also remember that in 2012, I made a cake with my little brother to share with my family for Easter, and I decided to put a little reminder on it of the real meaning of Easter that my little brother and my nephews could understand what Easter was all about, as you can see on the picture below:

This was the original idea of the cake, a nest with the birds
coming out their eggs... look what I add to remember who else
came out for another place, the tomb... :)

But since I moved to Arizona and watched the Mesa Easter Pageant, Easter became my favorite holiday. I had the blessing to watch the Pageant six times that first year. I had some friends who were part of it:

Kelly Allen, one of the 10 virgins.
Andrew Payne, an angel and a torchbearer
 I got to volunteer as a "warrior", helping out with parking, seats, and stuff like that, and because of that I got to attend the devotional that the cast had before the pageant and I got to sit next to a light pole for the last presentation, to watch that anyone, specially kids, would walk under the rope and try to go to join the cast on the stage. I had the best seats I could ever dream of for that marvelous production!

That pageant really made me realized how important Easter is and of the privilege we have to know about this, about our Savior, and to share that message of faith, hope and love with others. Since then, I remember even more than ever the truth about my Savior Jesus Christ: that He lives!!! Even if I knew it before, never I have felt that testimony so strongly in my life as after watching that Pageant and pondering about it as last Easter. I decided then that I wanted to make of each Easter in my life more special and to create my own little Easter personal and family traditions. I already took the decision that I would be part of the cast of that pageant some day... I tried for this year but I didn't got to Arizona on time for the auditions, but I'll keep trying. And I will definitely be part of it with my family someday! I want my children to experience that and to feel that excitement about the Savior.

One of my favorite parts of the pageant, Christ with the kids. It melts my heart!

He is not there!

Why am I talking about all of these on a blog about Sundays, if the Easter Pageant is not on Sundays? Because that event had change my whole view of Easter, and I feel that my Easter Sunday is more meaningful than even before. So this year, I tried to prepare more than before.

How did I prepared? I went to a sacred musical production retelling of the final days of the life of Jesus Christ, "Lamb of God", where two of my friends were performing. It made me feel the sacred spirit of Easter and start my preparation for it.

We also had General Conference, where the speakers powerfully testified of the divine atonement of Christ. I've been listening to many program on Mormon channel that have uplifted my spirit and humble myself. I also read this book, "The Other Side Of Heaven", where the mission experience of Elder Groberg taught me about Jesus Christ and his infinite atonement, and prepare my heart to change. We also prepared a musical number with our ward choir for Easter, and I've been pondering about the words of that song, He is Risen, and tried to learn those words that I might be able to sing with joy and testifying to those in our ward that I know He is Risen, looking at them, and not to the music sheets.

I've been studying for many weeks chapter 6 of Preach my Gospel, about Christlike attributes, and this last two weeks I've been pondering about charity and learning a lot of things about it. Doing that helped me to really focus on the great love that Christ had for us and how to develop that kind of love in me. I even prayed to become more charitable, and the day after I was feeling so empty and alone, not understanding why. And after sharing my feelings about it with a friend and pondering about the why of those sad feeling inside me, I realized that it was to understand better at least a very little portion of all the Savior endured. It made me feel closer to him and to be even more grateful for the great love He had for me. It gave me the desire to take those days before Easter to learn more about him that on Easter Sunday I could be prepared to rededicate my life to Him. Those feelings turned out to be one of the greatest blessings I had as a preparation for Easter.

I also attend the Easter Pageant. I only  had the opportunity to go three times this year, but it was always an uplifting experience. I might had seen this 9 times, but it still touch my heart every single time! I had the blessing to attend with a friend who brought some no members and it was such a great blessing to share with them the joy I had while watching that pageant, and to make them feel the true meaning of Easter. I also brought one of my friends visiting from Peru. She loved the Savior so much and this experience, I believe, had the same effect on her as it did on me, and enhanced the importance of Easter in her life.

And of course, I went to the temple! I got to go twice on Easter week, and had the blessing to perform ordinances for my own ancestors and to share with a friend how the temple helps to understand better Easter and the atonement of Christ. The temple truly testifies of Christ and his mission on earth.

Also, this year the church launched this video and website about the true meaning of Easter, and through all week since Palms Sunday, people had been sharing it through social media. It has been so amazing to see so many people sharing their love for the Christ and all the reasons why they are grateful Because of Him. And I did it too. Everyday I was trying to find something uplifting about how wonderful life is #BecauseOfHim. That definitely prepared me better for it, since I pondered more about all the possibilities that can become realities in my life, BECAUSE OF HIM, eternal life being the greatest!

All those special experiences has brought me closer to my Savior. So this morning, I woke up at 5:30 a.m. and looked at the sunrise, pondering about THAT Easter morn, when the Savior conquered death. As I was watching the sky and the sun, many thoughts came to my mind and I understood better so many principles of the Gospel and so much about our true light, our sun, Jesus Christ, and of his love and mercy. I had a interesting scripture study and was uplifted with sacred music and with Music and the Spoken words. Doing this helped me to feel that love from the Lord.

And my Sabbath has been so uplifting because of that!

#BecauseOfHim, I got sweet messages from friends since early this morning that made me feel loved and important for others.

#BecauseOfHim, I sang with our choir He is Risen and felt the joy that the knowledge about the resurrection of Christ brings to our life, and sang it almost by heart, having a smile in my heart (and hopefully on my face too), testifying of that truth, that I know he lives. I don't have the version that we sang (made by our choir director), but I love this version from the Mormon tabernacle choir, that you can listen too:

#BecauseOfHim, I had the opportunity to think a little longer about our him, my Savior, at sacrament while we were waiting for the bread to be ready.
#BecauseOfHim, I heard talks that made me understand better how I have felt and can still feel his love, and lessons that remind me of all the things that all possible through him.
#BecauseOfHim, I saw wonderful friends that I dearly love and are examples to me and give me motivation to become more like the Lord.
#BecauseOfHim, I had a friend who remembered that I was without my family here and thought about inviting me for dinner with her family that I may not stay alone for Easter dinner... I couldn't go because I felt the need to stay alone tonight and write about my feelings and ponder about all that, but I really appreciated the fact that she thought about me in that way and are grateful for her love and friendship.
#BecauseOfHim, I got to share a cake with some friends and gave what I had left to another friend and I felt that sweet gratitude in my heart by seeing that a little thing I did could bring them so much excitement, not only to my friends with whom I shared it, but also to those my other friend was going to share it with even if I don't know them, reminding me that the good things we do can bring blessings to more people than what we think, even some that we don't even know... I love cooking for these wonderful friends by the way :)
#BecauseOfHim, I got the blessing to have the company of a friend who asked me to share my Easter tradition, and my thoughts about what had been taught at church and also of the things I had been pondering that morning, and he did the same, and I was grateful to have friends with whom sharing our joy about the Savior and his teachings comes just naturally and how we can uplift each other.
#BecauseOfHim, even if I'm not with my family this Easter (and I wonder if I ever will again), I don't feel alone, and I know that I will be with them forever, because of the temple covenants we have make together.
#BecauseOfHim, I've seen many friends testifying about their belief in Christ by posting a picture of the Savior as their profile picture on facebook and by sharing videos or thoughts about all that is possible in their lives with the greatest hashtag ever: #BecauseOfHim. I actually saw this image on facebook that one of my teachers from high school posted, kinda making fun of how that event could have been if it had happened in our smartphones era in 2014... I commented on that picture saying that if I had been there, I would totally take a picture of it and share with everyone the joy that event brings. She liked the comment, and I supposed she understood that this event is real and important to me, because of all the things I've been posting this week... But then I also thought: this is totally what mormons have been doing today with our profile pictures... it made me smile, because this is how excited we get about this event! :)

#BecauseOfHim, I rejoice in the guidance of the Spirit in the decisions that I've been taking and that I have to take. Some might not be easy and are hard to accept, but I know that, because it comes from him, it is the best for me and it will be great blessings to my life.
#BecauseOfHim, I have feel so many of his tender mercies in my life and miracles that I never thought could be possible, and I know that, if He had the power to conquer spiritual and physical death, he can make anything good happen in my life.
#BecauseOfHim I had the blessing to enjoy the quietness and peace of my room to ponder more about Him and how I want Easter to become a great event in my life and in the life of my future family, and to prepare for it since now.

I felt so much love for my Savior this past days and specially today, and that has brought a great desire to make the changes I need to do in my life to try to be more like Jesus. I really think about keeping that tradition, preparing a couple of weeks before Easter with the Easter pageant, musical events, temple, choir, general conference, uplifting music and discussions, to prepare my mind and soul for all the next Easter mornings in my life, where I would try to wake up early in the morning and have my spirit ready to understand better the magnificent and powerful things that Christ did for me.

I am so grateful for the Easter Pageant, which was the beginning of my "true conversion" to the Easter Spirit, and for all the blessings it had brought to my life, and how it had made of this Easter Sabbath the best day of the year! This image shows how I felt this morning, I how I feel about my Savior: I look at him, knowing that he is there, that he is not in a tomb, and as I look with faith at him, hope will never disappear, and charity will fill my heart and will allow me to be a better instrument in his hands to share the news that he lives with others, and make them feel His love.

So on this Easter day, I invite you to ponder about how this Easter have drawn you closer to the Savior. May we not only remember and share on facebook all that is possible because of Him and our testimonies of him, that he lives, but may we live with that knowledge every day of our life, sharing it with others. He is our Savior, our Redeemer, and because of those event that we remember on Easter time, everything is possible!

I have in my life the best cherry I could ever ask for my Sundays, and it's HIM! #BecauseOfHim, I can enjoy my Sundays!