Monday, December 1, 2014

I believe in Christ, he is my king; with all my heart to him I'll sing!

I love to sing! I love music! Music is such a powerful tool to serve the Lord and touch the hearts of people. Music is an universal language. Music can uplift our souls. Music can calm a child. Music can bring comfort. We can express our joy through music.

That's a reason why I love being part of choirs. As soon as I have the opportunity to be in a choir, I join it. I love to use music to testify of the Lord. But, despite my love for music, I haven't develop enough musical skills to sing a solo or duet. I feel comfortable in choirs because I'm not the only one singing. I can sing by myself often, but usually it is when I'm just messing around. But to perform, I probably take myself to seriously and lack confidence.

Last year, as we were on our way to a choir practice, a friend taught me about the Primary program principle: the Primary children prepare all year for that, but when the day comes, the Primary presidency and teachers are freaking out because they don't feel they are prepared enough (as women usually feel, right?). But as soon as the program starts, the Spirit is there. It's probably the most powerful sacrament meeting of the year.  They might not be the best singers... but they touch the hearts of those who listen! Why? How? Because of the Spirit! Because the children are singing their praises to God. Because they had prepared all year and they are bearing witness, through music, of the things they have learned. The important to touch the hearts when performing a musical number, or any other service, is to prepare for it, and to strive to keep the Spirit, that he might be present during the performance. President Heber J. Grant explains this: "The singing of the songs of Zion, though imperfectly, with the inspiration of God, will touch the hearts of the honest more effectively than if sung well without the Spirit of God". That's why Primary Programs have so much success!

Well, it was a great principle, and when I then went to Canada for a few months, I decided that I would perform special musical number. There are not that many musicians in my branch in Montreal, so I felt less intimidated to do it there than in my ward in Gilbert, where I have many friends with wonderful musical skills. I asked my friend Sandy to sing with me. She accepted, because she loves to sing and wanted to improve that skill, but she knew ANYTHING about music. I took a couple of days to teach her a little about music, but the most important thing I taught her was about the Primary program principle. She loved it, and she applied it! We both did! And our performance was beautiful! I had never thought that I could sing like that in public! People told us that it touched their hearts and that they enjoyed the message, and that we had great voices. But we both knew where that success came from. Yes, we prepared, but most of all, we ensure that we were living worthy of the company of the Holy Ghost, and that we were doing this to serve the Lord, and he is the one who justifies our words... or our notes!

Well, more than a year later, singing only in many skillful choirs (because I was in Arizona, and I was intimidated by my talented friends, that I hadn't the courage to try the duet experience again), as I was visiting a Spanish branch, I had the thought of singing a duet with my friend Andrew in another Spanish ward that was close to where one of our non member friend lives so that we could invite her. Andrew is great musician, so singing with him, despite his patience, encouragement and kindness, was intimidating. But as soon as I saw Andrew, I told him about that crazy idea. Surprisingly, when he showed enthusiasm about it, I wasn't sure anymore. I told him that it would take me out of my comfort zone, that I didn't had enough confidence in me to sing in a duet. But as I was talking with him, he calmed my concerns and told me that it would be a good experience for me to develop that confidence. He told me that it was MY decision, but that he would be more than willing to do it, and that he knew I could do that. I ponder a lot about it the whole day, and was feeling some fear, but at same time I felt a little excitement. When go home, the first thing I did was to look for a  song that we could sing in Spanish. The next day, I called the bishop from the Spanish ward to ask him if we could do it. Yeah... things we're getting pretty serious for someone who wasn't sure about it... Later that night, my friend Kaylene played some hymns arrangements she had made, and when I listened to "I believe in Christ", I decided that it was what I wanted to sing! It was perfect to start Christmas time, to share my testimony of Christ, and to share why and how I believe in Him and celebrate His birth.

Because of our schedules and Thanksgiving week, we didn't had too much time to practice. We did practice, but not to much. That made me feel a little nervous, but at same time I knew (because I knew it but also because Andrew reminded me of that often) that the thought of singing was probably inspired by the Spirit. So, with mixed feeling about it, I prepared for that moment. Saturday I decided to attend the temple because I wanted to increase the presence of the Spirit in myself, to be ready for it. If I didn't had enough confidence in me, my voice and my musical skills, I knew I had at least confidence in the Holy Ghost!

As I sat in the room for the temple session, at my surprise I was sitting next to Lindsey Stirling, the famous mormon dancing violinist. We chatted a little. After the session, as we were sitting in the celestial room, I saw her, clothed with her temple clothes, as I was, and I thought about how similar we were, despite our differences. There, in the temple, a random Peruvian-Canadian girl with an accent who tries but keep struggling when playing piano or guitar, and who likes to sing when no one is listening, was in the same room, seeking the same guidance, strength, and power to achieve her goals and to serve others better, as was doing that famous violinist, dancer, composer, who travels the world, and who is loved by so many people, specially youth! We are both daughters of God, with talents and gifts given to us that we may serve the Lord, becoming a light for others, and example, to inspire them, and to make them feel closer to the Savior. I don't have the same talents and skills as Lindsey, but I am a daughter of God as well and I can serve him with my own talents... as in the parable of the talents, Lindsey might have five, but she's using them and she is getting ten. I might probably have only one. What am I doing with it? Am I investing on it, or hiding it? I shared those thoughts with Lindsey and she told me that she knew I would do great, that when we use our gifts, the Lord makes
the rest to give us success.

I came back home with more faith! Yes, I was still a little nervous, but I knew that the Lord knew my intentions, that he knew my desire to testify of Him, and that, because I was doing my best to keep the company of the Holy Ghost, he would help me to succeed in this performance.

The moment came, and Kaylene, Andrew and I walked to the front, and started our performance. As I was singing, I felt the Spirit testifying that what I was singing, that I believe in Christ, was something true, and that Christ truly came to earth to save me, to show me the way to return in the presence of my Father. I saw the eyes of some members in the congregation: I could see tears, I could see individuals pondering about their own testimonies. And I could obviously see the faces of some of my friends who seemed surprised to know that I could sing! ha! :) And it all went well. When we were done, Andrew reverently told me "Good job", and I turned and saw the smiles of satisfaction and gratitude on the faces of the members of the bishopric. It felt so good! I felt a great joy! It was sacrament meeting, so I contained my joy, and I think I did all day. But inside, I wanted to scream and to praise the Lord with gratitude because of what he had taught me through that experience. Some new converts told me that they felt the Spirit, a young woman told me that it was uplifting, and we received many other compliments.

I had told Andrew when we were talking about that idea that I knew it would be a good experience, not necessarily for our non member friend (who ended up not coming), or the members of the ward, but also for me, that I had something to learn from it. And I did! It reminded me that I have been given talents and gifts to develop them, and if I use them, I can improve them, and serve the Lord better through them. It reminded me of the power of the Holy Ghost, and that when we put all our trust in Him, He does his part and justifies our works. It reminded me that "if ye are prepared, ye shall not fear"; and sometimes that preparation doesn't only mean practices, rehearsals, although is important to know how to play well our part and gain the necessary skills to accomplish what is required from us, but it also means to have the Spirit with us, to prepare to feel his influence as we perform and to prepare to share that Spirit with our audience.

I am grateful for the Holy Ghost! I am grateful for the gifts that I have received from God, and for the opportunities he gives me to develop and use them in His service. I am grateful for the power of music to uplift souls and to bring a testimony to the hearts of our brothers and sisters. As said president Kimbal: "I am comforted by the assurance that there will be beautiful music in heaven, and for that I am most grateful". And I wonder, would I be part of those who will bring that beautiful music in heaven? :) I am grateful for wonderful talented friends as Andrew and Kaylene who trusted in me enough to embark in that crazy idea of singing with ME at that Spanish ward and who encouraged me to do it. I am grateful for that awesome famous musician, Lindsey, for inspiring me at the temple when I needed it the most, and who trusted and believed in me. I am grateful for the compliments I received after our performance, and for the motivation it gives me to keep doing this, and the confidence that has increased in myself with that single experience. But most of all, I am grateful for my Savior, Jesus Christ, and for the opportunity he gave me to testify of my love for Him through something I love: music! Yes, I do believe in Christ, He truly is my king! With all my heart to him I DID sing! And I will keep seeking opportunities to sing more and more to Him, because "the song of the righteous is a prayer unto Him".

“We get nearer to the Lord through music than perhaps through any other thing except prayer.”
President J. Reuben Clark Jr., in Conference Report, Oct. 193
6, 111

“The most effective preaching of the gospel is when it is accompanied by beautiful, appropriate music.”
President Harold B. Lee, in Conference Report, Apr. 1973, 181

“When you sing the hymns, . . .ponder the meaning of the words, enjoy the spirit of the music. Sing with enthusiasm without regard to your tones. You will have a good feeling, and your spirit will be enlivened.”
Elder Graham W. Doxey, Ensign, Oct. 1991, 26

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