2 Nephi 9:40 "I know that the words of truth are hard against all uncleanness; but the righteous fear them not, for they love the truth and are not shaken."
Righteousness makes us clean, virtuous, worthy of the Lord's presence. Since God is righteous, the attributes of Christ are part of it. Humility is an attribute of Christ, and I believe it is part of righteousness. When we are righteous, we become humble. We accept our weaknesses. The more righteous we become, the more we desire to be like the Savior, the more we will reject sin, the more we will seek to change, the more we will accept our imperfections and strive to follow better the example of Christ. When we are righteous, we seek improvement, and that improvement requires to know those things that we must change in our lives. We seek for counsel from the Lord and his servants. I believe that's the reason why we go to church every week, we attend firesides, we have ward, stake, regional, and general conferences and other devotionals. More than that, that's the reason why we not only attend those events, but why we should listen and hear the words taught.
Being member of the church doesn't mean to be perfect. It means that we take upon us the name of Christ because we have a desire to become like him. In the sacrament prayers, we pray to "witness unto thee, O God, the Eternal Father, that [we] are willing to take upon [us] the name of thy Son". And because of that desire, we renew that covenant every week and we promise to be more like him.
What comes usually after we partake of the sacrament? We have talks and lessons. As I was pondering about the scripture quoted at the top of this post, I thought: "aren't those talks answers to our sacrament prayers? Aren't those talks and lessons supposed to help us to know how to become more like Christ? . (Some wards have Sacrament meeting at the end, but is the same principle; the truths taught before or after Sacrament are there to teach us how to become more like Christ).
How often do we complain about talks or lessons? The talk is boring, too long, he seems nervous, she doesn't need to tell the history of her life, the Sunday's school teacher seems unprepared, the Priesthood class teacher is reading the whole lesson in the manual...
If we want to take His name upon us and be like Him, we ought to act according to that desire. How could we learn to become more like Him if we don't listen to the teachings we receive about Him and his gospel in our church meetings?
The righteous fear not truth. The righteous love truth. Isn't truth what is supposed to be taught at church on Sundays?
May we be careful not to judge those humble and simple tools in the hands of the Lord who give talks or teach every week. They are not perfect. They are called to speak because the Lord knows their potential and, by the power of the Spirit, can justify their words and can teach us through them, to become more like Christ. Yes, those who speak at church have the responsibility to prepare for their talks and lessons and to have the Spirit to testify of the truths they are invited to teach. But, as it says in D & C 50:19, "And again, he that receiveth the word of truth, doth he receive it by the Spirit of truth or some other way?" How do we receive the word of truth?
I invite us all to prepare to listen our Sunday talks and lessons as part of our preparation for sacrament. As we renew our covenants with our Father to take the name of His son, and to obey His commandments, may we be filled with the Spirit, that we may be taught truths that will show us the things that we must do to be more like our Savior and to keep better our covenants during the week to come, through the teachings of our brothers and sisters who teach that day. Remember, "that the words of truth are hard against all uncleanness; but the righteous fear them not, for they love the truth and are not shaken." May we learn to be righteous, and to love His word taught in our Sabbaths days.
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